Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer

For those of you who feel any strange lumps around the breast tissue or even one of the breasts look bigger, better consult a doctor quickly. These bumps are generally painless, ranging from small size that became large and palpable as embedded in the skin. Some cases of breast skin changes around the lump or change in the nipple.

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When the lump started to grow, then cause pain (pain) when pressed. If the pain is felt in the breast and nipple that does not go away, you should immediately consult a medical. Nipple into the contract, which had been colored pink, and finally become brown even the existence of edema (swelling) around the nipple is one strong sign of breast cancer. Another thing is often out of fluid from the nipple when not nursing your baby.

# Diagnosis of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can be known with certainty by way of breast tissue samples that experienced pembenjolan (action biopsy). In this way they will know which type of cell growth is experienced, whether the tumor is benign or malignant tumor (cancer).

# Type Breast Cancer

Through the examination of the call with mammograms, so this type of breast cancer can be categorized into two parts, namely:
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Types of Breast Cancer

Non-invasive breast cancer, cancer that occurs in the bag (tube) of milk (a liaison between the alveoli (milk producing glands) and nipples). In the language of medicine called 'ductal carcinoma in situ "(DCIS), to which cancer has not spread to the outside of the network of the milk bag.

Invasive breast cancer, cancer that has spread beyond the milk bags and attack the surrounding tissue may even lead to the spread (metastases) assigned to other bodies such as the lymph lympa and others through blood circulation.


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